Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chairs and Bears

I'm returning to this blog more than a month after my last post about leaving home for the first time after giving birth. The trip went well -- the conference was fruitful and I learned much about a very different place (the Russian Far East) as a result of stepping out the door. After that, however, I spent a long month working through some complications with my recovery that are still challenging me.

Taking a break from those obstacles in my life, I am glad to report that like all of my parent-friends have said, my daughter O. and I are getting used to each other. I no longer define O. by the way she was pre-birth, a left-leaning fetus with tough fists and feet, but by the smiling and cooing girl that she is now. She expresses her personality in the predicted ways -- snuggling up to her favourite toy which doubles as a pillow to tilt her lopsided head into a balanced position and now sitting up in a new chair that does not swing like her first and most-loved "throne" (thanks to E. and W.) but can be raised and lowered according to her mood.

We are also close to achieving our goal of working and living together in harmony. She is sleeping next to me as I type this entry, smacking her lips in anticipation of a midnight feeding. I am happy that she can rest well while the computer keys are clicking, since that may be the sound that she hears for many years to come...

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